
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Super Dad

As a follow up of my post "cinnamon spread" I'd like to update the poop situation in our home.
After that incident I determined in my heart that Jamie would be able to change these wretched (let's not joke around...these diapers are pretty bad) diapers without me even being around. So the next time Noah pooped I made him stand beside me and watch the whole thing. At first he had to leave so I waited (Noah was not so patient and started kicking) until he came back. He had to put his nose in his shirt, but he was there for the whole thing.
The next time he changed the whole thing by himself with me standing there.
So I would like to announce that Jamie is conquering the diaper. Bit by bit. Wipe by wipe.


  1. "i determined in my heart..." you're hilarious!

    way to go, Jamie! you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength! HA!


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