
Saturday, October 22, 2011


so...we bought a car.
i know! crazy.
but true.
and actually, i'm really glad we did!
this past thursday i ventured out with the boys for the first time.
we lived to tell the tale.
{so maybe i crunched into a parked truck on the side of the road and maybe it scratched the car pretty bad and maybe now the passenger doesn't exactly open, but...we're alive and that's the most important part, right? also, i'm still not entirely used to leaving enough space on my left.}
mostly i'm just glad i actually did it and have driven a few times now. it's a tad stressful, but i'm figuring it out and getting used to driving on the left side of the road in a country where road rules don't really exist.
it sure is cheaper to drive to kelly's house {on the other side of the city} than hiring a taxi to take us there.
it is also going to free us up on weekends to venture out of the city and see some of the sights on our own.
i'm so thankful for yet another blessing God has given us here.

last night on the way home noah said {again}:
this is really feeling like home now!
and i agree. i really can't think of anywhere else i'd rather be.


  1. and yet another way you continue to amaze me! congrats on your new found freedom! you are so brave! one question though - i'm assuming the boys are not in carseats. how do they sit still while you drive? esp. Jude?!

  2. yeah, they aren't in carseats, but i'm hoping to get booster seats for them. surprisingly jude stays seated and is generally well-behaved! they wear seatbelts, but i thought for sure jude would be all over the place like he is when i'm in the back with him. amazing! (a definite God-thing.)

  3. Catching up Vanessa - haven't read for a while - BUSY!! I am SO loving this adventure! I would love to take some missionary trips as a retired couple. LCMS, my affiliation, has many opportunities, as does all organizations. But, I am sure some days are not a picnic - thank you for your steadfast ministry. Hey, I've moved - (used to be "gracealwayswaits") I began my blog for the purpose of accountability, but now that school is almost over and I'll be soon working with clients, I did not want "it all out there" - so, sadly, I erased it and started over - sad too losing my readers.. dumb blogger - can't they figure out by now how to carry over your followers!!!!!! I'm here now:

  4. i don't know how to say i'm proud of you in 90840983209 languages. but, seriously. i AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!

    yo. we should skype sometime.



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