
Monday, June 17, 2013

9 month letter

Dear Blaise,

You are 9 months. If I had to pick one word to describe your current phase it would be Busy. With a capital B. Scratch that, it would be BUSY! All in caps. With an exclamation point at the end.

Seriously. You are non-stop. You are crawling, cruising, screeching, laughing, hitting, scratching, mouthing, clinging. All the time. You head straight for cords, electrical outlets and electronics of all kinds. Almost as if you had a radar for them. You delight me and frustrate me.

Your favourite food? Breastmilk. My attempts to feed you solid food are not going as I planned, but at times I have to admit it's incredibly convenient when we go out and I don't have to really bring anything except myself. Most mornings you aren't super interested in food and I think this may have to do with the fact that you cut your first tooth last week. Our nights of many, many wake-ups and nursings are explained with the confirmation that you are indeed teething. Once we get back to Canada {we leave in 2 days!} I'll probably try and help you get more on this solid food train. But for now I'm just going with the flow and offering you food several times a day. Usually you'll take a few bites and then bat away the spoon or chunk of food I'm offering. And usually it makes a big mess. And usually I take a few deep breaths and try not to freak out. You're just a baby, afterall.

But you are obsessed with my hair. You'll crawl up behind me if I'm sitting on the ground, grab hold of my shirt or shoulder and then grab a fistful of hair and YANK as hard as you can. And then I yelp and you laugh an evil baby laugh.

You still love being around most people and will let them hold you. We went to the Life Ministry office {where Daddy's worked here in Uganda} for a good-bye lunch and you happily sat and played with several of the staff right until Mommy stood up to give a speech at which point you wailed like someone had hurt you.

You say "Mama!" Or often it just sounds like "MOM". You say it as you crawl to me or if someone else is holding you and you want me or if you see me coming to pick you up out of your crib. It's very cute and endearing. Your first word!

The other day your love of music was confirmed as you were being held by Daddy and he was singing out loud to a song and you joined in! We even got it on video. I wonder if you'll be our musical child?

In a few short days you will experience Canada for the first time. You will be held by your Aunties and Uncles and Nana and Popi for the first time. You will be reunited with your Gramma & Grandpa and another Uncle once again. You will never be lacking in arms to hold you and people to interact with.

You've now spent {almost} as much time out of the womb as you did in {since you were two weeks and two days over due!} and it feels like you've always been a part of our family. I'm so glad you were born. I'm so glad you're our little Ugandan baby and I can't wait to do the next 9 months of your life {and more!} as we start the Canadian chapter of your life.

I love you little man,


See Blaise grow!


  1. my favorite part of this whole post? how stinkin' skinny you are and how amazingly fat Blaise is. miss you.

  2. i remember that evil baby laugh.. and the amazing grip they can get on hair and never let go until the fingers are pried away. love this post. his 10 month will be all about him becoming a Canadian.. :)

  3. I agree with Kelly wowely moley you are skinny now! Can't wait to my my hand on that chubby guy haha! love it!
    Wasn't sure you'd make it for the 9 month post but good for you in the midst of all the "busy"!

  4. Yes! awesome that you would have your head quiet enough to post! Hope you can take moments along the exodus to photo record at least - that will trigger more bloggings :D Oh how wonderful that Blaise is such a healthy busy guy - NORMAL!! is good! xo Mom

  5. Oh man, his CUTE! Excited to read about his new adventures in Canada!

  6. so cute! I wanted to let you know that Iris was the same about food, much preferring breastmilk (still does at 13 months), but that around a year she just started being more interested. so good for you for going with the flow! we think we have the basics of kids down, then we get one who doesn't like to sleep all night and doesn't really want to eat food. meh. they are who they are! :)

  7. so cute! I wanted to let you know that Iris was the same about food, much preferring breastmilk (still does at 13 months), but that around a year she just started being more interested. so good for you for going with the flow! we think we have the basics of kids down, then we get one who doesn't like to sleep all night and doesn't really want to eat food. meh. they are who they are! :)


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