Monday, November 24, 2008

all calm on the home front

Nothing new here. I booked my ultrasound for the 8th of December so we'll get to see the little sprout then. I feel fine, not exhausted (sometimes tired, but not absolutely DONE like before) and I'm trying to drink a lot.
I'm hoping to be able to blog about this pregnancy as much as I can but we'll see.
And I found out that a friend of mine is due within DAYS of me! We'll be pregnant together! So much fun!


  1. I want it to be Jen Watt because that would be just perfect.

  2. Beth: No, I don't think it's someone you know.
    Suz: You do? I like you being Suz, though. It's not Jen Watt if that's what you were referring to?


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