Friday, August 31, 2012

friday links.

so here i am. hanging on with this pregnancy. i had a few rough days, but the last couple have been pretty good. my feet haven't felt so swollen in the late afternoon/evenings and i've had a bit more energy which has been good.
tonight my sweet friend aletha brought over the most delicious pulled pork sandwiches, salad, chips and homemade banana bread for us. so amazing. also? enough for leftovers for possibly saturday and sunday! i love leftovers!
here's to having great friends! cheers!

also i guess since today is the last day of august, i can officially declare that i will be having a september baby. trust me, this baby ain't coming before midnight tonight. he's a mover, but he ain't coming. sigh.

onward and upward to other things...

this is commonly seen around our house when daddy gets home from work:

just because they've used up their screen time tickets, doesn't mean they can't watch daddy play sonic racing on the iPad. oh these boys...

friday links!

i'm obsessed with this blog. i love the philosophy and practicality of living a clutter-free life. not just in material possessions, but also how it influences how you function emotionally and mentally. i'm implementing the things i can now so that when we get back to canada, i can continue to make changes that will enable our family to prioritize the things that really matter instead of just choosing to fill up our house with stuff. {oh hey, remember our garage sale? yeah. i never want to get to that state of things ever.again.}

along the same lines, i love the idea of an alternative gift registry. this is an idea that i hope to implement in our families when we get home as well. the idea that the gift of time is far more meaningful than adding yet another car to our toy collection or another cool shirt from that cool store is a radical one, but one that rings true for me and our family. this particular link, though is a creative idea that i think would help people getting married to think outside the box of your typical "12 sets of china plates" items or the new parents who don't want to fill up their house with hordes of primary-colored toys and gadgets to request really useful, meaningful things like babysitting, a free meal, laundry or dish services, etc. need i go on? just check out the link. :)

now this is my kind of DIY. a pillow cover that doesn't require sewing! what an easy way to change the look of your living space/bedroom without making a permanent change! you could even add a bit of seasonal touches if you wanted!

beautiful, free, seasonal downloads. 'nuff said.

yeah so i made this. my friend kelly posted it to my facebook wall and i dared to try it. 1. sugar coma 2. deliciously addictive. make this at your own peril.

so here i still sit. still pregnant.
i'm hoping by the end of next week i'll have to cancel friday links because i will be too busy cuddling my new baby boy and posting delicious pictures of him. {'cuz you know with this growth spurt he's just had, he'll have cheeks you wanna chomp on!}
either way, you'll hear about it here!
happy weekend!


  1. sigh...(not that I feel quilty about the few items I do buy you) but I wanted to get ideas for Christmas/birthday gifts :D I love giving the gift of time, and actually hope to give lots while we're there!! but.... ok, I mostly agree!! and maybe since the boys are soooo smart, Daddy could save his screen time for after bed?? clever kids, always a step ahead of us!

  2. Thanks for that alternative gift idea...I will have to think up some for when you guys get back :) Also I love that pillow case idea. Oh and one more also, I ALSO really want to chomp on some chubby baby cheeks!!!! ;)

  3. aaah, a clutter free life! Just thinking of it makes me smile :) Daniel and I have been chipping away at it for the last couple of years and we are making pretty good progress. It helps that we are raising four girls in a trailer, so there just isn't room for "stuff" to keep the momentum when we move into our house!
    I have such a love/hate relationship with the part of pregnancy you're in....the discomfort, the "being DONE", not being able to sleep, I hate. BUT, I love the anticipation of when labour will start and the excitement of getting to meet the new one! I'm very excited to see pictures of your new little boy!! Hang in there, my friend!


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