Saturday, May 3, 2014


We slept over at some friends last night and everyone was pretty tired today. I took this on the drive home from Toronto and I'm hoping for good sleep all around!
Blaise is busy and funny and trouble and holding his own in fights with Jude. I turn my back for a second and he's throwing toys in the toilet or mucking about with my hand cream or spitting out food everywhere (his latest thing that makes me want to stab my eyeballs).
Jude is adorable and stubborn and learning a lot and always full of stories and "Guys! Guess what?!". And praying. He loves to pray which I absolutely love.
Noah is growing up way to fast with his reading and sassy attitude and helpfulness with housework and his brothers. He is drawing and colouring with amazing skill these days and really into hanging out with his friends (a sign of thjngs to come, I suppose).
My three boys. I love them, the funny bits and the challenging bits; the easy bits and the feisty bits. Love love love 'em.

1 comment:

  1. Oh so precious - Blaise and Jude even sleep the same!! they are growing up so fast and now with Blaise learning words, life will be even more interesting! can't wait for some dry days of summer to have them over! xo Mom


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