Thursday, September 4, 2008

sweet deal

I picked up the cutest shoes EVER. Seriously. For Noah. I've wanted to get Noah a pair of tiny converse for a REALLY long time. Probably before he was born. And I got them. And they fit perfectly (too bad, I was actually hoping they'd be a tiny bit big so they'd last longer). It's so adorable. Actually, I got a pretty sweet deal on them (I think). I was browsing online for baby converse high tops when I came upon the Soft Moc website. I "ordered" them but got to the payment page and then decided to opt out of them. I got an email later that day from the President or someone of Soft Moc and they gave me a 10% off code because they noticed I didn't actually go through with the purchase. So I went ahead and got my cutie patootie converse shoes at 10% off. Sweet deal!


  1. I guarantee my first baby will wear Chuck's.

    Excellent purchase!

  2. that is a sweet pair of shoes for a kiddo. teach him to tie his shoes when he's young! :)


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