Sunday, November 15, 2009


Today was such a good day for me and for Noah.
We went to church and Noah did his typical FREAK OUT when we dropped him off in the nursery and I was just waiting to see his number come up on the screen for us to go get him during the service. But it never came. And neither did Jude's (although that's pretty normal - he's always pretty good, I just thought he might get hungry today by the end and while he was starting to fuss, it wasn't anything major) and Jamie and I felt so victorious at the end of the service. I turned to him and said, "Yes! No numbers! Bump it!" And we gave each other props.
Because we're kinda lame like that.
And so we heard from the nursery worker that Noah did really well. He didn't play too much, but he didn't scream and cry the whole time which is what he usually does.
And then we went to the gym later today and dropped Noah and Jude off at the playcare center. And Noah did his usual FREAK OUT again but when I came back to get him after working out he was happy as a lark, showing Elijah a block and just wandering around the room. On.His.Own.
This is an achievement because even if he was quiet before he needed to be held or in someone's lap. I'm so thrilled and just feel a weight off my shoulders because even though I was and am committed to helping Noah learn to have time away from Jamie and I, it was very hard for me to want to go to the gym knowing Noah was spaz the entire time. Because a child who is screaming bloody murder is hard on the workers and hard on the other kids in the room.
So yay for a good day and here's to hopefully many more!

1 comment:

  1. victory!!!

    i've helped out at the nursery @ church, & i feel sad when kids cry & miss their parents. sadly, this lasts all of five minutes, before i pick them up, look them square in the eye & say something a long the lines of 'okay buddy! you are going to be fine, you need to calm down.' gah! i'm a bad worker ):

    i see the looks on parents faces, & i empathize. ok. i'm blabbing!

    woot! noah & jude (:

    "bump it"


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