Is it good blogging etiquette to have several, diverse topics/ponderings in one blog entry?
*holding blogging etiquette in my hand near an open window*
For now, I am throwing blogging etiquette out the window.
First topic.
I am unsatisfied with my current blog template. All that work for naught. I can't put my finger on it. Too girly? Not me?
I also don't like how it doesn't load up properly.
And I'm secretly jealous that Terra's choice of blog template is just as wicked-awesome as I had envisioned it to be when I realized (or thought I realized) that it didn't allow for comments. But alas. My gifts of observation must have been rusty or I would have noticed that does allow for comments. But I chose this template instead. No doubt I will probably change it again some time tonight.
Simply because it is bothering me.
And I don't like the name.
We'll see.
Second topic.
Yesterday I attended Uche and Melissa's wedding in Buffalo.
Some thoughts:
- this is the third wedding I have been to/seen this summer where the bridesmaids were in rich, red dresses. It looked's just a funny observation.
- the message in the service was really good. The pastor used Ephesians 5:22-33 as his base and he expounded it so beautifully and richly as well as applying it to their specific situation and personalities.
- the reception - oh the reception! It was held in this goregeous mansion where we were wined and dined with all the best appetizers, dinner, dessert and great service. The speeches were meaningful but not rambling and there weren't five million of them - thank goodness!
- Chris Shipley's prayer of blessing on Uche and Melissa during the ceremony was the most beautiful wedding prayer I have ever heard. God has so clearly gifted him with an understanding of what prayer is and how to moved me to tears.
- seeing old friends was great
- shopping at the outlet mall on the way home was also great as I FINALLY found a fall/spring jacket (incidentally the same one as Jenna had picked out ... first the vest, now the jacket)
Third topic.
Babies. I was at a baby shower today for someone in the family (sorta - like a step-cousin-in-law...does such a thing exist?) and it was very...thought provoking.
First: I am fully and completely amazed at God's grace for giving me such a husband who loves me, respects me, cherishes me as well as someone who has a deep relationship with God.
"How is this related to babies?" you might ask.
Well after cringing inwardly at the behaviour and words of one of the men there and bearing witness to his lack of respect for his wife and their first child I was overwhelmed with a sense of relief and thankfulness to be with a man who does respect me and to know that I have no doubts that he will be the most amazing father - full of love and care, discipline and wisdom towards our children.
And then began the comments about Jamie and I and our future children. I don't really mind the comments so much. I look forward to the day when we have kids. And Jamie and I have talked about tons of things concerning our future and we are confident that when we have kids it will be at the right time for us - not our families or friends, but for us. the meantime I will smile and accept their comments knowing that they are probably just as excited (maybe not quite as excited) as we are about bringing new life into this world some day.