Saturday, May 12, 2007

guess what I'm thinking about...?

Some of my high and lofty goals for my stay in Calgary are:
- to go to Crave
- to go to The Cheesecake Cafe
- to go to Banff
- to at least go and window shop in some cutesy, quaint shops
- to go to Marble Slab (I can't believe I still haven't gone yet!)

Yes. So...I'm either all about the food or the shopping. Well...I did say they were high and lofty goals, now didn't I?


  1. dooooooooooo it. i'm so sad i never made it to crave. you HAVE to go.
    p.s. love the new layout.

  2. I didn't know crave had a website! Fun (now i want one sooo bad!) I just cna't get over how much I still miss that city. All those places are a must go. All the best!

  3. if you like sushi, go to towa on fourth ave. change your life sushi!!


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