Sunday, April 1, 2012

palm sunday

another no-church sunday for us today.
but today i was prepared. i did a little lesson for the boys on palm sunday.
we made palm branches {i like calling them palm fronds} and waved them and shouted hosanna! and i read the story of palm sunday to them.
noah commented, i think the people were really happy to see him!
oh how they were, my sweet boy. and how everything changed within a week.

making a way for the king of the universe

singing this song in my heart and with my lips today and forever:


  1. Oh how I'd have loved to be at your service :) we had kids with 'fronds' too, but no story, nothing to draw me into the day. sad. that's me. But now I'm listening to 'He holds the Keys'!! loving it! bless you all this Holy Week! xoxo

  2. Aw I love your props! And the story too. Oh man the audio story tape we always listened to as kids tells the story so well. Do you remember the title?

    1. Yes! Dad just digitized them for me - ask him to send them to you! I think the one you're referring to is called Watch The Lamb?
      With the boy and his Dad?
      I bawl just thinking about it.
      (Also Dad sent me Colby and Psalty digitized tapes...:D)


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