Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Our first apartment

Last night as I was lying in bed - the time when all my productive thinking occurs - I got to thinking about our apartment in Kitchener. It was our first apartment and I loved it. So I was thinking that I should write a blog about my memories there and things that I liked (and also disliked) about it. It probably will not interest anyone except for myself and possibly Jamie. But for posterity I am writing this blog anyway. (Oooh "posterity"....such a good word!)
One night last summer I woke up at around 5am to Stanley (our cat, see post entitled, "Stanley") running around and around our room, over our bed, in a pattern as if he were chasing the ceiling fan. I soon realized that there was a bat in our room. I immediately went into panic mode and wanted to hide under the covers while Jamie was trying to take the covers off so we could get out of there. It was a tramatizing experience and sometimes I think I hear that awful squeaking noise in the middle of the night. We still have no idea how it got in - but my theory is that it got in through the bathroom vents. *shrug*
Then there were the nights where Jamie and I stayed up past 2am doing a whole lot of nothing - so one night I decided to make mashed potatoes. I made enough to feed an army! But they were delicious! Another night I made peach cobbler. Some might say I'm crazy.
I loved having people over. Girls and guys! Jo and Shereen came over on a couple weekends. That was fun - the Spa place just down the street was amazing - choco fondue and some of those sweet mocha drink things.
I miss my kitchen. I miss my food processor (even though I used it, maybe a few times...but it's so cool and I know one day I'll use it!), my clean counters and floors. Even the oven that always burned everything. For some reason it was 200 degrees hotter than it should have been.
The sweet balconey where we often smoked cigars while sitting on those little stools from Cuba.
The door that you had to give a shove and lean against while you locked it.
Oh and those foolish hallway closets - the silly doors kept falling off. Annoying at the time, yet funny to think upon now.
My birthday party where I sulked at the end of the night because the guys wanted to watch something else - precisely why I am doing an all-girls birthday thing this year - where I think about 16 people slept over? Crazy.
Our sweet, sweet Zehrs where you could do your own check-out. I loved that.
Getting ridiculously snowed in during the winter. Crazy snow in Kitchener. And ice!
Going for walks around the neighbourhood and attempting to regularily go for runs.
I love our sweet, old black leather couches. They are scrappy, but sooo comfortable.
Opening the door in a dark apartment to see Stanley come running up with squinty "sleepy eyes" and do his double "meow".
My birthday indoor picnic that Jamie put on for me after work. Candles, a delicious meal and some fine, fine wine.
Having our families over for dinner or games or whatever. I loved making food and trying out new recipes in my kitchen. I've said it before, but I'll say it again - I miss my kitchen.
Those silly bathroom drawers - the bottom one was kinda mouldy. Ick.
Oh and how amazingly hot it got in there once the heater was fixed - at the beginning of November!!!
Lugging all our laundry up and downstairs - I don't miss that!
Our sweet landlord and his family. I only wish we coulda gotten to know them better.
I love that we never really heard our neighbours - only on summer nights when the kid a few apartments away would attempt to play the guitar. He was horrible.
How blessed we were - and still are.


  1. you're right. that apartment WAS sweet. but you know that when you move into another one it will be even MORE sweet....don't you? don't you know this?? i hope soo
    love sab

  2. vanessa!! i stumbled upon your blog..it was a hidden gem i never knew about..shame, shame on me :) i agree with sab..that apartment rocked but i know your new one will be better :) i will totally send you those email "get to know ya's"..i never had your email!! :( booo but i promise i'll flood your email in the future with a whole strew of surveys j/k..i'm so glad i'm not the only odd one who loves those fwd survey's (you, me and sab we rock!!)


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