Thursday, May 21, 2009

30 weeks + 6 days

I had a midwife appointment today. Unfortunately as I was driving from Waterloo to Guelph the office called me and wanted to reschedule for later that day as my primary midwife had delivered a baby this morning and wouldn't be back in time.
But no worries, I only had to kill a couple hours before the rescheduled appointment. Noah and I walked around downtown and I bought a nursing tank top. I think I need to take it back, though. It was ridiculously overpriced and I'm pretty sure I could one for cheaper. We'll see, though.

Anyway, so the midwife appointment went well and it seems that baby is head down although he is still mobile and can move around. Everything seems to be going well and I okayed all the tests they want to do on the baby once he's born.

Not much new. I still have a sweet tooth. I still feel this little guy bouncing around inside me. And I'm still slowing down big time.

On days like today I feel quite overwhelmed and tired - especially when I feel like Noah's been sick for over 2 weeks now (a week with stomach flu and now this darned head cold). Plus Jamie's been sick all week so that's no help to me.
I'm exhausted and I need a weekend away. Ah well.
I'm also VERY glad that we are moving to a house. Even today as I did the stairs with a cranky boy I felt like I was going to go into labour at any minute! So, yes. It's a GREAT thing we are moving. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad the appt went well...did she mention anything to help with low level energy? I wish we could get you settled into the house right now - 10 more days of stairs!!


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