Saturday, September 24, 2011

friday night fun

it all started with some life ministry staff {stephen & grace} dropping in on thursday afternoon. they mentioned they would come by on friday and make matoke. and bring their kids. their 5 kids. 
love this ugandan culture.
so we didn't really know what to expect. 
but more people kept getting invited and at final tally i think we had about 18 people over last night for a dinner and impromptu birthday party for little junior {the fifth child of stephen and grace}.
so we sent nick off to the market to pick up some drinks and a birthday cake and grace and stephen and i prepared food in the kitchen.

they showed me how to make matoke, ground nut sauce and chapati and i introduced them to the glorious food that is quinoa {although in the end we all agreed that it was useless for me to show them how to make it as you can't buy it here in kampala}.
we all snacked on roasted ground nuts {exactly like peanuts} and popcorn while we waited for the matoke to finish cooking.
the kids watched some cartoons on jamie's computer as the power was out.
kids are the same no matter where you are. they all like cartoons.

once dinner was here and everyone had arrived we all enjoyed a delicious dinner of matoke, chapatti, quinoa and fresh pineapple {you have not eaten pineapple until you've eaten fresh, tropical pineapple} and bananas. 

it was a fun and relaxed night and it felt good to have a full and happy house. 


  1. Ahhh, now I see the stories behind the pictures:) That's awesome, thanks for sharing the smiles!

  2. That is so fun! Makes me want to be there:) Do they have 5 boys?? Wowsers! OK, and I was trying to get a good look at the one boy's hair - is it natural or twisted?? Reminds me of one of my kids' hair (you know which one!) I love it!

    Such a fun house - I love seeing all the kids on the couch together!!

  3. MC - no the oldest is a girl. And it's something that's twisted on top of each clump - some sort of string? it looked cool and yeah, totally know who it reminds you of. :)

  4. I love how chilled out you're becoming. And that you're learning all these different cool dishes! And that your boys are having such a good experience. This initially sounded hectic to me, and...undesirable, lol, but the way you describe it, and the way everyone looks so relaxed in the pics makes it look really easy going and really enriching. And that makes me glad for you. xo


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