Sunday, October 17, 2010

the one where I run a 10k race

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.
So I do not run aimlessly...but I discipline my body and keep it under control.

1 Cor. 9:24, 26-27

Yesterday was the big race. The Toronto Zoo 10k. And I did it. Not only did I finish the race, but I completed it in under an hour! Okay, so I squeaked in at 59:56 but still! Under an hour!
I'm completely thrilled with my time and so proud that I was able to accomplish this 15 months after Jude was born. I'm also really happy with my time given that the last 5k was almost entirely UP HILL.
There was a point just after 6k that I felt the need to cough but when I did all of a sudden I couldn't breathe and I had to stop and walk and breathe again. For about 10 seconds I walked and mentally prepared myself to start running again. And then as quickly as it started, I was able to breathe properly again and started running again.

The last couple kilometers seemed to go on FOREVER. But it was amazing what a bit of encouragement from the people on the sidelines did for my motivation. As I came to the finish line my legs picked up the pace and were moving as if they were not a part of my body. I sprinted. I finished 4 seconds shy of my goal.

I definitely didn't come in first place (the guy who did finished in about 29 minutes. insane.) but I did get a medal to prove that I did it. And it felt really good. (Although I'm ridiculously sore today!)

Run in such a way as to get the prize.


  1. Wow! Congratulations for your time and for all the training you had to go through before!

  2. good on you V!
    I'm super encouraged by this post. I went on my first run the other day since Lily was born and it was HARD. Only 2Km or maybe even less and I felt like I was going to die... maybe in 13 months I'll be running a 10km though, who knows? You're inspiring!

  3. Awesome job Vanessa! so when's the half marathon :) 10 km is a good run - i'm taking my time working up to that for next year.

  4. @Em - you can so do it! There are usually lots of races in the spring so start now and you'll totally be running 10k by then!
    @Michelle - a 1/2 is my next goal - I'd love to do one in the spring/summer.

  5. WOOHOO! I want to be like you when I grow up!!! :) hehe! So proud of you Vaness!

  6. WAHOO!! And in under an hour. That is SO awesome!

    Doing my first 10K on 11/13. Definitely won't do it in that time tho... Great job!!!

  7. Great job Vanessa!!!!! And you could totally train for a half already, I mean, you are almost halfway there. Before October 2009, I never had and absolutely found every reason not to do it. A challenge by my Shrinking Jeans Sisters forced me into the running arena and I haven't looked back! I started running in October 2009, ran my 1st race in NOv 2009 (a 5 miler). I ran my 1st half in June 2010 with a messed hip. Now comes my second half, just 13 months after beginning this journey.

    You can totally do it, if you want!

  8. Awesome work Vanessa!! I can't believe the race has already came and went and you did it! Yippee! It seems like just yesterday you said you were going to do the race.

  9. I am so proud of you!! Run with your eyes fixed firmly on the prize in everything!! I want to see that medal!


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