So I did indeed chop my hair. It was somewhat spur of the week but I had been thinking I needed a hair cut and didn't want just a measly trim (boring!), plus I had read my lovely friend and fellow blogger Deb's blog about how she chopped and donated her hair as well, my other lovely friend and fellow blogger Kirsten chopped her hair. Needless to say, I was inspired and I liked the fact that I could do something good with my hair (and Jamie was supportive of me chopping my hair if I donated - if and ONLY if. Haha...). So off it came. My hairdresser, Nikki, took 9 inches off and was surprised at "how well I was doing". To be honest, I've never been one to freak out over hair. My hair is dark (not too much wrong you can do with dying it), thick (can handle a lot of different hair styles) and grows relatively fast (no mistake lasts too long) so I figured why not now? On another note, I was disappointed to find that Nikki has upped her price. When I started with her she was a junior stylist (I asked for a junior stylist so I could pay less) but that was a couple years ago. Now it's like almost $15 more! What to do, what to do...I should just be upfront and ask her what the deal is next time or something. Bah. Anyway, here's the new do.
This is my "deer caught in headlights" look according to Jamie, but really it's just me trying to be cool.
So lately I've been thinking a lot about having a girl. At first I thought/wanted it to be a boy. No particular reason why other than this pregnancy has been very similar to my first with Noah. But I did just have a dream that I had a girl, the heartbeat was in the 160s when we heard it at 12 weeks and I think that the more I think and ponder about it, the more I think that having a girl wouldn't be so bad. :) But the thing that's the most different with this pregnancy is where I am mentally. I mean, with Noah's pregnancy I relished and enjoyed every minute of being pregnant knowing that when he was born, I'd have to say good bye to a lot of things I loved (including sleep!) and that him being inside me growing was the easiest, quietest he'd ever be. I loved him when he was born and was happy to meet him, but I was in no hurry to be done with pregnancy. With this pregnancy I'm totally fine to be pregnant, but I more feel like "been here, done this" and I can't wait to meet this little boy or girl. I feel comfortable and happy in my role as Mom and I know that adding another one will be more work than I can imagine at this point but I look forward to it. But I'm definitely looking forward to finding out if we're having a boy or a girl (REALLY excited!) which will probably happen at the end of February I think. Oh! And I think I felt the baby yesterday. It wasn't a jab or a kick or poke, but more of a slow roll. Like the baby did a slo-mo flip inside me. I'm not sure if that's what it was, and I know I'll feel him/her soon enough but it was kinda cool.
A couple months back I got a coupon from Rogers for a free new release movie. It expires tomorrow so I went to Rogers and rented Mamma Mia to watch tonight while Jamie's at the weekly meeting on campus. The movie's playing right now. ..... Apparently I'm not that taken with it. I think musicals are alright, but I think it's the cheese factor that I can't handle. That and the fact that sleeping around in this movie is just expected and even made light of. I dunno...I'm not impressed. It's not that I don't like ABBA - I do! Super cheesy. Super slutty (can I say slutty?) - but here's the thing...the movie makes you THINK it's not slutty. It's quaint. And adorable. And cute. Meh. I'm not caught up in it all for some reason. I'll probably surf the internet and intermittently watch it.
So I chopped my hair (and donated it!). And I'm 15 weeks today! Here's the big reveal: My facial expression does not necessarily reflect my feelings on the haircut OR the fact that I'm 15 weeks. I believe it was due to some smart remark Jamie made while taking the picture.
Ay yi yi...I can predict it already. Noah will be the little boy that wants pets, pets and more pets! He giggled with glee just now watching the end of a Curious George episode (you know, the educational part) and it happened to feature a classroom of kids making a new house for their two guinea pigs. Oh dear. Seriously, I am NOT an animal person. Not afraid, just don't like 'em. They cost money, make noise (yes, even guinea pigs make noise) and are cause for extra planning every time you need to leave for more than 2 days. Only time will tell the future pet battles we (and when I say "we" I mean "I" because in all likelihood Jamie will also be wanting random-pet-of-the-day as well) will encounter.
First I decided I'd do monthly belly pics. But then I decided I'd take weekly pictures but then I'd only post on a monthly basis. But then I decided I'd just post 'em anyway because what's the point anyway? So I'm going to try and take weekly pictures and post them too. Jeez, the baby is a-COMIN'! (that or I gotta cut down on the beer.) Seriously though, I can't believe how "big" I feel already and how "big" I AM already! But I'm embracing it. ♥
Seriously? If I had this mix on my iTunes while I was working out I'd be smiling the ENTIRE TIME. I was browsing the music on iTunes and found a Disco Workout mix. I gotta admit I don't know a lot of the songs (lyric-wise) very well, but I recognize most of the tunes (and love them!) I think I was born in the wrong decade. I ♥ disco.
Well, two and a half months later of free's gone. Jamie and I turned on the television last night to find that we only get channels 2-6 and 14 and 15. That's okay. We officially cancelled our cable at the beginning of November and waited to see how long it would take before they turned off the feed. Looks like last night was the night...and I'm not really too sad. Not really. Good bye TLC. (I'll miss you Jon & Kate...and 8). Good bye Treehouse. Good bye sports channels (Jamie will grieve your absence.) Good bye SLICE and HGTV. (My vice is no longer slice...) Good bye Peachtree TV (you kinda sucked anyway) and the Food Network (yum). Good bye YTV (your shows weirded me out) and Much Music (too much booty shakin'). Good bye MTV (all your shows are online anyway...). Good bye cable...
Sigh. I know. It's 9pm on my swimming night. And I'm blogging. Actually because a certain someone decided that 10:30pm-12:30am was a perfect time to wail and scream and cry I didn't get the rest I needed and then woke up with a pounding headache that no Tylenol could fix (thanks a lot, Jamie. Ha. Just kidding. It was the Munch of course.). Anyway, so my swimming plans are foiled for tonight, I'm taking it easy and I'll try again Thursday morning. Oi. This is going to be rough.
For Christmas I received multiple iTunes gift cards. I was thrilled. I don't really like acquiring CDs anymore mostly because of the case and our current lack of storage.
So in hopes of receiving some gift cards I compiled a list of albums I'd like to buy.
Here are my acquisitions:
1. Pride and Prejudice Soundtrack. I love everything about this movie and that included the music. I love the album - it's so soothing and lovely and wonderful. In fact I might listen to it right now. * good* Favourites are: Dawn - this theme seems to run through a lot of the songs on this album. I'll say it again, So Good.
2. Kings of Leon. This was a flukey purchase and wasn't actually ON my list. I had been hearing from a friend how great Kings of Leon are and then I happened upon them in iTunes and did the album preview. LOVED IT. They have several albums out but I purchased Only By The Night. Ack. It's a good mix of southern rock and the frontman's voice is raspy and good and delicious. :) It's a good album. Favourites are: 17, Use Somebody and I Want You.
3. The Juno Soundtrack. I really liked this movie (a lot) and thought the music was really indie and cute and again, sampled the album and ended up getting it. There's really only one song I don't like (drops a bunch of F bombs and is all Bush-bashy and political) but the rest of it is really fun! Favourites: All I Want is You
4. Brooke Fraser's Albertine album. Jamie requested this actually and while I'm still not sold on her, it's pretty good. I dunno, it didn't really GRAB me and honestly I think she sounds like Nicole Nordman from back in the day. I like her, but I wouldn't say I love her. (Sorry Nadine).
No favourites yet, but I'm not writing it off at all.
5. City and Colour's newest album Bring Me Your Love. Classic C&C and I love it. I don't know it well enough to have a favourite other than The Girl which was on a wedding favour CD I got and instantly liked it.
Hm, I guess that's it. I still have enough for 2 albums (I think) and on my original list are: Peter, Bjorn and John - Writer's Block and Stars - In our bedroom after the war.
I don't really know these other two that well and I've got enough albums to occupy my ears with for a few months so I may hold off and see what tickles my fancy then.
Noah has recently noticed when Jamie and I hug each other or show affection to each other. Specifically when we hug, he'll come up and stand looking up at us with a big smile and clasp one of each of our legs. It's really cute and always reminds me of the importance of mine and Jamie's relationship. Our relationship really IS so important to our family. If we aren't showing to Noah (and baby on the way eventually) that we love each other and want to be with each other aside from the kids, how will he ever know how a husband is to treat his wife and what kind of wife he should be looking for? Most of all, I just love that I can get double the joy out of hugging Jamie. 1. Because it feels good. :D and 2. Because if Jamie or I happen to look over, Noah is undoubtedly watching us with a beaming smile on his face. Awwwww....*love*
Okay...this is scary because I'm good at making plans and starting things but NOT SO GOOD at following through. Sigh. is my plan to become more active: I like swimming. Or at least I used to. I have made a plan that I would like to stick out until the end of February. If after that it's not working or whatever, I will change it. But here it is: I will go swimming twice a week starting next week during the lane swims at the pool down the road from us. It will take me about 5ish minutes to drive there. I found my swim cap and goggles this morning while cleaning out my clothes drawers. It will cost me approximately $30 for the next 6 weeks. My plan is as follows: Tuesday evenings: from 8:30-10pm is lane swim. If I can LEAVE the house at about 8:20 I can be there and ready go by the time lane swim begins. I will shower at the pool and then come home. Thursday mornings (eep! this will be the hard one): Lane swim is from 6:30am-8am. I will wake up, get dressed and leave the house by 6:30am at the latest. I don't actually need to shower that day because Noah has a swim class at 10am so I'll just shower after that class.
Phew. goes nothing. I hope to get back into the swing of things and I figure if I can stick it out until the end of February, my cardio will be back up and I'll actually be ENJOYING it. That will help me to continue. So this is my plan to become more active. It's also something I can continue until the end of my pregnancy! So here's to swimming, becoming more active and learning to discipline myself in sticking it out! Cheers!
Not too much new here. I seem to get hungry every 2 hours but then I end up eating the wrong thing (ie. sugar). Eek. Not good! I'm feeling more energetic (yahoo!) and I'm finding myself nesting already! Perhaps it's the months of feeling like doing absolutely nothing and perhaps it's the pregnancy hormones kicking it in, but either way I've sorted and put away all of the clothes in Noah's closet that were too small and put them away in boxes. Today I sorted through all the clothes in my closet and drawers and ended up with a Rubbermaid bin full of clothes that either don't fit or I don't particularly like (most of them fell into the first category, unfortunately) as well as a black garbage bag full! And.......yeah. I'm getting excited to find out whether this baby is a boy or a girl and I've already bought a crib (used for $40! It's really nice too!) and I'm looking around to borrow a bassinet or something. I'm doing room layouts in my head for Noah's room and the spare room and trying to figure out how to best use our space.'s good. It was fun to pull out all my maternity clothes today. I like my maternity clothes. But I'm still in my normal clothes for now. So that's that!
I posted this on my pregnancy blog, but it's definitely applicable on this one, too!
And so the nesting begins! I've got mental lists of things I want to do. Today I sorted through Noah's clothing - got rid of all the things in his drawers and closet that are too small and put them in boxes (geez, this kid has a LOT of clothes!). I might even venture into MY closet next! Here is my mental list of things I'd like to clean up and out: 1. My closet. Give away/get rid of all the clothes that are too small and I will likely never fit into again (sniff, sniff) or that I just don't like and won't wear regardless. 2. The linen closet. Basically it just needs to be reorganized as I've been haphazardly shoving things back in there after they've been cleaned. 3. The bathroom cupboards. Get rid of/give away soaps/things I won't use and get rid of old shampoos and soaps. Tidy! 4. Completely reorganize my kitchen (this one's for you, Mom). It's so disorganized and disheveled and it's only going to get worse with not only 2 adults and a toddler but a baby too!
So that's the short list. Ha. No, that's the only list, so far. Among other things on my mind are room reorganizing for when the baby comes - ie. where will the baby sleep? Should we shift stuff around in the office making room for a mini nursery?
And so this would explain the phenomenon of pregnancy brain. Your brain gets taken over with planning and organizing that there is no room left for normal every day things like what things are called, where things go or where I last left my glass of water.
And so the nesting begins! I've got mental lists of things I want to do. Today I sorted through Noah's clothing - got rid of all the things in his drawers and closet that are too small and put them in boxes (geez, this kid has a LOT of clothes!). I might even venture into MY closet next! Here is my mental list of things I'd like to clean up and out: 1. My closet. Give away/get rid of all the clothes that are too small and I will likely never fit into again (sniff, sniff) or that I just don't like and won't wear regardless. 2. The linen closet. Basically it just needs to be reorganized as I've been haphazardly shoving things back in there after they've been cleaned. 3. The bathroom cupboards. Get rid of/give away soaps/things I won't use and get rid of old shampoos and soaps. Tidy! 4. Completely reorganize my kitchen (this one's for you, Mom). It's so disorganized and disheveled and it's only going to get worse with not only 2 adults and a toddler but a baby too!
So that's the short list. Ha. No, that's the only list, so far. Among other things on my mind are room reorganizing for when the baby comes - ie. where will the baby sleep? Should we shift stuff around in the office making room for a mini nursery?
And so this would explain the phenomenon of pregnancy brain. Your brain gets taken over with planning and organizing that there is no room left for normal every day things like what things are called, where things go or where I last left my glass of water.
I'm already looking up birth announcements online. I absolutely LOVE Tiny Prints. They have beautiful designs. It what I used for our Christmas cards this year. Anyway, so back to birth announcements. I designed one for Noah when he was born but I'm really not that gifted in design. I have an eye for it, but I don't know how to make it work or look good. And now with #2 coming along I'll also have a toddler running around. Chances of me having time to design a birth announcement that I'll actually are slim to none. I guess we'll see how it all goes down.
Last night as I sat hunched over at my computer I was fairly certain I felt the baby moving! It's hard to tell if it was just my own heart beating but I stopped what I was doing and sat quietly. It's not really TOO early, especially if you know what it's supposed to feel like. So that was kinda cool. Also, I recently bought a friend a pair of these which are so ridiculously adorable. If you want to know what to get baby #2...a pair of these please. :) The cool thing is they have cute ones for boys AND for girls. Very cute.
Today Jamie, Noah and I drove to Toronto to go to York so Jamie could pick up his transcript (long story, but he's going to take a course at Heritage and needed his transcript). Of course those picketers were out in full force. I'd never been in a situation where I needed to get into a place that was being picketed. I've got to say I was extremely annoyed and unimpressed and my general thoughts on picketers (and these in particular) are that they are like petulant children who are refusing to do the dishes when asked because they want a larger allowance. My thoughts as a parent would be that to NOT do the dishes is the LEAST effective way of getting me to raise their allowance. I know it's not a perfect analogy but really...why is holding up me, my husband and my 14 month old a seemingly acceptable thing to do? If I were the one driving at the time, I'd fully explain that by making me wait to get into the school when I'm NOT a student is only going to make me LESS sympathetic to their cause. (As it was, Jamie was the one driving and really just wanted to get in and out and obviously concluded that debating with a picketer is not a wise use of time.) And if I were a student I'd be especially annoyed at them because at this point the chances of me losing this year are very great. Wow. A whole year because of some makes me mad. What a bunch of children. And with that...I am done. But still annoyed and disgusted with their behaviour.
This afternoon was my second midwife appointment and I had more questions than I usually do but Heather was delightful and patient and answered them all. Unfortunately for me there are no magical supplements for me to take so I don't burst blood vessels in my eyes again (I burst another one recently when I threw up). But I did ask to hear the baby's heartbeat and she said we may or may not hear it but she would try. And I heard it! It was like music to my worrying ears! Seriously. So good to hear those fast little beats (in the 160's for those who like to predict gender based on heartbeat). So I feel much more confident to spread the news and STOP WORRYING!
I also ran into a couple I know from church who I knew THEY were expecting but they definitely did not know I was expecting. It was funny and I said we had just started to tell people. So that's fun that we're in at the same midwifery clinic. And we'll likely be in the nursery at church within a few months of each other. Yay for round two (for me, round one for them)!
Today seems to be the day that I can safely say that my belly has 'popped'. It's of great relief to me and I had a sort of deja vu as I remembered what it's like to have a pregnant belly again. It took awhile (longer than perhaps I expected?) but I definitely have a paunch. I'm undecided as to whether I'll take pictures or not. I might just do a monthly belly update.
As if I needed confirmation of this pregnancy...I've been TOTALLY dragging my feet all day and feel VERY tired. True, I did go to bed later than I usually do, but I napped and still feel exhausted. I'm taking this as a good sign?
I can't stop thinking about this baby and how I'm afraid I've had a missed miscarriage (where the baby dies but you don't know it because you don't have any symptoms of a miscarriage). Everyone keeps telling me I'm fine and the baby is fine but no one KNOWS for certain. I feel relatively fine and I'm definitely not "showing" like I thought I'd be at 12 weeks. I know I don't HAVE to be showing by now, but I just thought I would be. I haven't felt too much pain or cramping or anything really. Last week I think I felt mildly crampy but not the usual "period" cramps. More like uterus-growing cramps. But still I can't stop worrying. Being pregnant and having children and raising children is a non-stop lesson in trusting God and right now I'm finding it really hard to rest in Him and trust that He is in control of me and this little baby growing inside me. On Thursday I go for my second midwife appt and I will hopefully be able to hear the heartbeat on the Doppler device. That is my hope, anyway. We'll see.
Oh my word this is the most adorable thing I've seen in a LONG time. Apparently this little guy was read Luke 2 every night of the month of December and he just picked it up and had it memorized by Christmas. It wasn't his parent's intent, but it was an eye-opening method of Scripture memorization! Enjoy!
Here's the link to my preggo blog if you're interested. Warning: If you don't like details...and I mean gory details...don't bother checking it out. You can get the gist from this blog. :) Here is the first entry I wrote for this pregnancy (it's the same blog as I used for Noah):
I'm feeling pretty good and often wonder if I'm still pregnant because it seems like I have no symptoms at this point! We've told lots of people now so it's pretty much public. Not much else to say except that I think I'm starting to show. I have no idea how much I weigh right now, either. I'm going to bed now, though.
Only 2 ditties on my last post? I'm disappointed in you, blogosphere! (Or maybe no one reads my blog anymore except for Katie and Mel).
Okay, props to Katie (whom I didn't know still read my blog - this makes me happy, Katie. :D) and Mel for guessing right. Baby number 2 is on his or her way! I'm ALMOST out of my first trimester and happy to be here. Baby number 2 arrives at the end of July making the gap between Noah and his sibling about 21 months! Should be fun AND very busy. Lord, please let me have an easy baby!
So that's my big news and I'm pretty pumped. So far this pregnancy has been similar to when I was preggers with Noah. A couple weeks of feeling "off" and actually LESS exhaustion than with Noah although it could be that I'm pretty good about napping in the afternoons when Noah sleeps. Who knows?