Thursday, July 2, 2009

high hopes

On my way home from a wonderful (and much needed) pedicure I got a call from the midwife receptionist (Jackie, she's so nice) asking if I could write down an appointment with Dr. Ben.
I was actually quite confused as the only way I've heard of Dr. Ben is through my friend who had 2 C-sections done by him.
I took the info down and then asked, "So what is this for?" and she said she thought I knew. It's to get a prescription for the antiobiotics needed for GBS positive women!
I'm so trying not to get my hopes up, but I can't help it! They're up! Way up! This could be the best and easiest way out of all this crazy GBS mess! (If you say the last 2 words out loud, they rhyme!)
So that's exciting! I'll meet with him next week and I'll see my midwives tomorrow so they can give me the down low. :)
*crossing my fingers*
It wouldn't be a pregnancy if something didn't crop up at the last minute. :)

1 comment:

  1. ahha it kind of sounds like a sitcom! :) praying for you guys!


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